Sunday, April 22


First post of any kind of blogging nature from me so I'll begin by thanking Mit (et al) for the kind invite and help with getting this computer div as far down the line as this.

Anyway, I guess I hope to be able to share some music that, for whatever reason, is special to me (and perhaps, occasionally just new and interesting) and once the ol' confidence starts rising, maybe even the odd deranged musing as well.

So, where to start ... of all the records in the world that I know and love I'd like to offer up Kano's 'It's a War' as my opening gambit. To me, this is one of the finest exponents of the monumental Italian Disco scene of the 70s and 80s. To listen to this is to marvel that it was made in 1980 and not last year or summat.

Kano - It's a War

I'll be posting some of the re-edits that I record under the Centro Disco moniker especially if they are working well for me in my DJ sets. With that in mind, here's a recent re-edit of the Pointer Sisters that is pretty much symptomatic of the edits I like to do - fairly simple, but 'temponised' and mildly restructured for the DJs to mix with at the parties.

Pointer Sisters - Automatic (Centro Disco Re-Rub)

Be very glad to know what you think.

Thanks again to Mit and the rest of the Death Crew and all others involved with making B'ham that little bit cooler!

D x


MIT said...

Yo Darren, welcome. Glad you got it working. Can't listen at the mo, cus the connection i'm using in the big smoke ain't letting me for some reason.

Glad you put the pointer sisters track on.

Will check it when i'm back in brum.

jib said...

Yes, welcome Darren, great 'opening gambit'!. and your edit is subtle - understand and likin' your approach. i look forward to your deranged musings.

Jack Slack said...

Welcome, good post dude.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for this Re-Rub, muchly appreciated!